sharing faith smHow do you train people and churches to become strategic and effective in evangelism?   As a denomination, evangelism is one of key core Biblical values.   Our mission is to be a church reforming to reach the lost for Christ.   How do help one another achieve this outcome?   What is our strategy in the CRCA?

In this current series of blogs I am unpacking the nine specific strategies of how we will accomplish what God has called us to be and to do.  Each of these strategies is critical to the accomplishment of our mission and vision.  Last week we looked at the coaching strategy.   Today we will look at our evangelism strategy.   As churches we are committed to train strategically for evangelism using both internal and external resources.    What does this training look like?

When I was studying for the ministry I received training in evangelism through a program called Evangelism Explosion.   Founded by D. James Kennedy of the Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church (Fort Lauderdale, Florida), this program continues today as a ministry that trains people how to share their faith in Christ and how to bring people from unbelief to belief.  Like me, you might have been taught how to use the Four Spiritual Laws developed by CRU (formally Campus Crusade) as a way to evangelise the lost.  Well let me tell you about Organic Outreach

For several years already as a denomination we have partnered with Organic Outreach International and its founders Kevin and Sherry Harney of Shoreline Church (Monterey, California).   Organic Outreach is designed to equip every church member to share their faith naturally.   In some ways Organic Outreach is similar to Evangelism Explosion and the Four Spiritual Laws, but it is so much, so much more.   Organic Outreach assists churches to weave gospel-focused passion and evangelistic practice in the very DNA of local church life.  In the CRCA this is the outcome we desire to see.   We want to see not just a few people do evangelism or to have committees formed to talk about evangelism.   We desire to see men and women, boys and girls, old and young, all passionate about the gospel and sharing their faith naturally with those around them.  

If you check out the Organic Outreach website, you will read that:

Organic Outreach is how Christians can live and communicate their faith in a way that lets people know there is a God who loves them and sent his only Son to open the door for a restored and wonderful relationship with them (John 3:16).  Human beings are lost because of sin, and we need Jesus Christ if we are going to be forgiven, be set free, and find meaning in this life.

Outreach is more than just the proclamation of biblical truth, though this is an important part of the process. It is also about loving people, serving in our community, being models of Christ's grace, building authentic friendships with those who are far from God, and telling our stories of God's presence and power. Outreach is not just an occasional church field trip to visit those who are spiritually disconnected from God; it's a lifelong journey as we follow Jesus into the world.

Since we value supporting the local church to become passionate about the gospel and practise evangelism we offer Organic Outreach training to our churches.   In the previous Synod we committed ourselves to come alongside churches and help them embed evangelism into their congregation's culture.   For the past two years Rev. Josh Hartog (Westside Christian Church, QLD) has been encouraging a group of five people through a monthly cohort meeting, and is now starting a second group.   These cohorts are designed to provide monthly support, prayer, and encouragement in implementing Organic Outreach in your church.   Contact Joshua Hartog to join these cohorts.   In addition, if your church would like to be trained in how to do Organic Outreach, then This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. is available to run a series of Organic Outreach workshops (over a weekend or several weeknights) in your church.   If you have not done so yet, check out the Organic Outreach website and the three books the Harneys have written on Organic Outreach.

Besides Organic Outreach, there are numerous resources on evangelism on the Ministry Formation website under GROW.    For example, if you are wanting to train yourself or others to effectively share one's faith, then check out the resource:  Tell What God has Done.    Not everybody is called to be an evangelist, but we are all called to be witnesses for Jesus Christ.   Some Christians are good at it and some are not.  This online resource will help everyone who wants to learn how to do better at witnessing.  This is an excellent training tool to be used in a small group setting.

Some of our churches are using the resources of Wycliffe Bible Translators to help people share the gospel by retelling the stories of the Bible in an effective and transformative way.   Wycliffe provides an online course that you access from your own home and among your friends  and receive guided training in developing a range of skills in Bible storytelling.   Later on this year (June - July) they are offering a Story Your Bible webinar to equip you with skills to use Bible stories in mission, ministry and everyday life.  Check out the links.

Lastly, I like to recommend Sam Chan's book, Evangelism in Skeptical World.   Sam is a public evangelist with City Bible Forum in Sydney, AUS.   In this book Sam provides fresh and creative insights that equips everyday Christians to share the gospel in today's skeptical world and help as many people as possible hear the good news about Jesus.   Every pastor and church needs to have a copy of this book in their library.

As churches we are committed to provide training -- training in evangelism.