



Jack De Vries was hired on by the Christian Reformed Churches of Australia and began his work as Ministry Training Coordinator in January 2008. In 2012 this role shifted to that of Ministry Development Coach.

Jack came from Canada where he pastored three Christian Reformed churches:  Alliston CRC, Alliston, Ontario(1983-87), a church plant:...

Jack De Vries was hired on by the Christian Reformed Churches of Australia and began his work as Ministry Training Coordinator in January 2008. In 2012 this role shifted to that of Ministry Development Coach.

Jack came from Canada where he pastored three Christian Reformed churches:  Alliston CRC, Alliston, Ontario(1983-87), a church plant: New Life Community Church, Pickering, Ontario(1987-95), and Bethel CRC, Listowel, Ontario (1995-2007). Jack is a graduate of Calvin Theological Seminary (Master of Divinity - 1983) and Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary (Doctor of Ministry - 2003)  Jack and his wife Jeannie currently live in Petrie, a northern suburb of Brisbane in Queensland.  They attend and are members of Bray Park Community Church. They have four adult children and seven grandchildren living in the USA and Canada.

In Isaiah 58:11 we read: "The LORD will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame.  You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail."  Australia has seen times of drought and floods.  There is another type of drought in Australia; there is a spiritual drought.   But God promises to provide refreshing rain, a never ending supply of refreshing water.  The water he provides will satisfy the needs of all Australians.  As we take up the missional vision God has given us we extend the life changing invitation of Jesus: "Come!  Whoever is thirsty, come, and take the free gift of the water of life!" (Revelation 22:17)



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I love using crock-pots!  These slow-cookers are ingenious.  In the morning you pile it full of whatever you want to have for dinner at night.  And slowly but surely after many hours the dinner is ready to be enjoyed.  The food is always delicious, tender, and full of flavour.  But that is not all.  Throughout the entire day the kitchen and surrounds are full of the aroma of the pending meal. I mention crock-pots to highlight...

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  337 Hits

Training Hubs

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Vision never really becomes a reality until there is alignment.   And the key to alignment is the hub.   I know that from the number of motorcycle rebuilds I have done.  We all know about the importance of the rubber tyres.  When the rubber hits the road we are moving along.  And the rim to which the rubber is attached keeps the tyre inflated.  But inflated tyres do not get a pedal bike, motorcycle, or...

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  347 Hits

Let's Rethink!

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Sometimes in life you just got to do a rethink!  I did a rethink when I was studied for the ordained ministry.   My course of training was headed toward a study steeped in biblical exegesis.   My goal was set!  I wanted to know the Bible inside and out so I could teach people in the churches I would serve.   It was a great goal.   But midway through my studies I came to...

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  723 Hits

Ministry Beyond Retirement

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I was pleased to read recently that a retired colleague and his wife have just finished three months of ministry in a ‘vacant’ church in New Zealand. From all reports they enjoyed their time in Kiwi-land and their ministry there was a blessing. Opportunities for ongoing ministry are there not only for those of us who are ordained pastors. When my father retired from his trade work he and Mum led a Bible study for many...

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  262 Hits

Prayer Ladder

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Many people try to climb the ladder of success.   But what about the ladder of prayer?   This is a model of praying that I learned from Alvin Vander Griend in his book Love to Pray.    As churches we are committed to PRAY that there will be such an outpouring of the Holy Spirit that people will manifest a godly life!  In my life, in your life, in the life of our churches, and...

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  661 Hits
Sharing Good News Naturally
Sharing Good News Naturally

Organic Outreach

Most churches would agree that evangelism is a priority. The CRCA declares that reaching the lost is central to its calling as a church: we are a church reforming to reach the lost for Christ. But so few churches and Christians are bearing fruit. In fact, most churches are either maintaining the status quo or are in decline.

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Coaching for Healthy Churches and Leaders
Coaching for Healthy Churches and Leaders


Shift is all about movement – with the help of one another and the power of God to reach our broken places and move ever closer to living a life worthy of our callings as churches and leaders. Leadership development begins with acknowledging and trusting the process and the people God uses to grow us.

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