




mentor sm

Effective ministry begins when you as a church, or when you as a church leader, can give definition to the "how" of ministry.  You need to have some strategies.   It is one thing to understand who you are as a church and the God-given purposes that He has called to do live out in and through your church.   When you as a church know your mission, vision, and core-biblical-values you can answer the 'who' and 'what'...

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Strategy sm

On our lounge table there sits a chess board.  But I seldom take out the chess pieces out of their drawers.   Why?  Because I have not yet mastered strategy in chess.   I am told that great chess players can glance at a position and quickly assess which side is winning.  Not only that, but they can also determine the best moves and ideas for each side.   Chess strategy is the purposeful attempt to gain an advantage...

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  409 Hits


compassion sm

How would you describe your prayer life?   For many of us, we might find it hard to pray.   Perhaps you do not know how to pray.  You might have learned how to pray as a child, or recite the Lord's prayer, but with the passing of years you find praying not a delight, but a struggle.  Besides, the pace of our modern life leaves little time to pray.   And then there is the doubt.   You wonder whether...

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  320 Hits

Prayerful Urgency

prayer urgency sm

How important is prayer in your life?   In your marriage?  In your family?   What about in the life of your church?  If people were to meet you, or drop into your church on a Sunday, would they notice a prayerful urgency in your life and that of your church?  In our missional strategy to reach the lost for Christ we maintain that prayer is our first task.  So it is no wonder, then, as we consider...

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  482 Hits


you can sm

How does one keep going in life and in ministry?   Both personally and as congregations?   If only it was as easy as putting an Energizer battery into our ministry or church sockets!   Perhaps you have seen (or remember) those images of the Energizer bunny.  While others quickly run out of steam, the Energizer bunny just keeps going and going and going .... The tasks of church ministry are not easy!   Church life is not always a...

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Sharing Good News Naturally
Sharing Good News Naturally

Organic Outreach

Most churches would agree that evangelism is a priority. The CRCA declares that reaching the lost is central to its calling as a church: we are a church reforming to reach the lost for Christ. But so few churches and Christians are bearing fruit. In fact, most churches are either maintaining the status quo or are in decline.

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Coaching for Healthy Churches and Leaders
Coaching for Healthy Churches and Leaders


Shift is all about movement – with the help of one another and the power of God to reach our broken places and move ever closer to living a life worthy of our callings as churches and leaders. Leadership development begins with acknowledging and trusting the process and the people God uses to grow us.

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