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1 minute reading time (192 words)


"There is one who scatters, yet increases more.
And there is one who withholds more than is right, but it leads to poverty."
Proverbs 11:24


We need to remember, all we have belongs rightly to God.
Give with a generous spirit as you place your dependence on Him.
We gain the right perspective on our earthly possessions...
When we learn to give back a portion to God!

God blesses those who give freely what He has given.
Not just monetary, giving of your time and God-given talents, indeed.
We are overflowing with blessings and as our cup overflows...
We'd be wasteful not to share where there's a need!

Today, sow seeds for what you'll receive in the future.
You plant in another life as someone, in God's plan, planted in yours.
God always promises us that whoever truly brings blessings...
will be enriched by Him opening closed doors!
Your life is a garden, blessings are the seeds.
You can grow flowers, or you can grow weeds!


This poem written by my sister Lisa Brown underscores the importance of sowing into the lives of others.   May this encourage, confront, and/or inspire you to sow into the lives of others. 



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