By Jack De Vries on Tuesday, 02 July 2019
Category: The Four Fold Task

Leading Spiritually

What is the key to church renewal?   Congregational health?  Missional vitality in and through the local church?  I am often asked these questions in my coaching role with pastors, church leaders, and churches.   People are often looking for the 'silver bullet' that will be a fix all for churches.   But while there is no 'silver bullet' there are some key things about church renewal that many people miss.   One of the key things for church renewal that I suggest to church leaders is that they have to lead spiritually.

I know how it is.   In our system of church government, with elders who are elected into their positions and serve for three years, the push is always on to get qualified people to serve.   Often we look for those men who are good in business or have demonstrated leadership capacities in their life's vocation.   We assume that good business leaders make good church leaders.  But that is not necessarily the case.   Business leadership is not always spiritual leadership.

Now it is of great benefit to church leadership to have men who have gained experience and knowledge in leading effective meetings, good organisational structures, strategic development, and financial oversight.   Too many churches are ineffective when it comes to use of time, money, and resources.   Too few know how to strategically plan for the future.   But efficient meetings, well laid out church structures, and strategic plans in and of themselves will not lead to church renewal, healthy churches, and missional vitality.   What needs to take primary shape in Christian community is not structures but faith.  

What might it look like to lead spiritually in a church?   In one church I served I had our elders team up with each other, and one of the things they were asked to do is simply read Scripture and pray with each other.   I knew if they were to be effective leaders in the church they needed to be grounded in God's Word and be strengthened through prayer.   More and more of our churches (and church leaders) are emphasizing the good practice of one-to-one Bible reading.  (Check out this Matthias Media resource.)   Church pastor and leader Ed Stetzer shares how he asked his elders to do a couple of things:  "I asked them to have read portions of Scripture before our monthly gatherings and I would have them split off into groups of two and three and discuss what we learned from the Scripture this month. We also memorized a Scripture verse together each month, and discussed how we had shared the gospel each month.  Immediately, several people dropped off the leadership team." (The Renewed Church

Yes, and this is a reality, not all elders elected into church office want to be led spiritually.   But these are the kinds of leaders we need in the church for church renewal and revitalisation to take place.   And this is the kind of leadership we value in our churches.   In the charge given to elders when they take up their office they are instructed:   "Master the Scriptures which alone can make God's people wise unto salvation.   Pray continually for the church.   Remember at all times that, if you would truly be spiritual leaders in the household of faith, your entire lives must be mastered by your Lord." (CRCA Book of Forms, p. 277; see also 1 Tim. 3:2-7)   When we are led spiritually and when we lead spiritually then people will see that you do what do in order to serve the church, love it, and help one another get on mission for the glory of God, the good of the church, and the good of the community around you.

Do you want to see church renewal?   Then lead spiritually.   Encourage your pastor(s) and elders to be men of the Word and prayer.   When you meet as leaders, don't be satisfied with a short devotional and a quick prayer.   Spend much time in the Word together, discuss what God is teaching you, and pray with one another.   Encourage your women who lead Bible studies and women's ministries likewise to be women of the Word and prayer.  Led by God's Word, inspired by the Holy Spirit, and strengthened by prayer will increase your faith.   And as faith takes shape, church vitality will incease.   Leading spiritually is key to church renewal!