By Jack De Vries on Sunday, 22 September 2019
Category: The Four Fold Task


I have learned the importance of consultation.   Getting expert advice!   In our recent annual leave in Canada we had ongoing issues with our Jeep.  The engine light kept going on alerting us of some serious problem.  A couple of mechanics that looked at the vehicle could not figure out what caused the engine alert.  I eventually followed the advice of my mechanic son and brought the Jeep to a Jeep dealer.   With their expert knowledge of Jeeps, within an hour they advised me they had the problem sussed out and no more engine warning light!

Whether it vehicles or churches, getting expert advice is critical to sussing out problems and putting in solutions that will address ongoing issues.   As churches we have covenented together to be a church reforming to reach the lost for Christ.   For this to happen we know our churches need to be healthy -- for healthy churches grow and reach out to the unsaved and the unchurched.   We also recognise that if churches are to be healthy, they might need to get expert advice.  In our missional strategy to GROW we emphasize that "each congregation consider its ability to reach their local mission field and/or plant new congregations and consider whether they need to ask for outside help in this work."   This underscores the importance of consultation.

Consultation is not something that is drempt up by a denominational committee or borrowed from the world of commerce and business.   This is what God reveals in his Word: "Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed."  Proverbs 15:22 (NIV)   So true, isn't it?   You may make many plans to grow your church, increase overall health, and reach out to the lost but your plans might fail simply because you have not asked for outside help.    But with expert advice they will succeed.

I know this to be true, not just because God says it, but because this is what I see happening in churches all across the CRCA, in Australia, and beyond.   Currently I am coaching five church leaders, partnering with several churches in ongoing church development, and continually promote and partner with churches in utilising expert church health diagnostic resources provided by 'outside' specialists such as NCD and NCLS.  In my ministry development coaching role I recognise that decades of ministry experience and training has put me in a position to serve and help pastors and churches who want to become more effective in reaching the lost, growing healthy churches, and planting new churches.  I don't have all the answers to the questions asked of me, but I know where to find solutions.   I continue to learn from those who are wiser and/or more experienced than I am.  And what I learn I pass on to others.   People take my advice, put it into practise, and discover that more of their plans succeed.   But not just my advice.   A growing number of churches go to the outside help they receive from Vinegrowers.  Many access online courses produced by the RTC or the training provided through The Way curriculum.  Some pastors are using the resources of Oilstone or Reach Australia to become better equipped as church leaders.   And I am so encouraged that more and more pastors are engaging the SHIFT initiative to receive coaching from ministry peers, professionals, and/or other church leaders.   The more individuals and churches get the outside help they require, the more they will succeed in ministry and in our missional calling of extending the gospel to those God is calling to himself.  

So here's the deal.   Are you receiving outside consultation?   Not just as a church leader, or as a church collectively, but also as a individual believer!   Read good books that will challenge you to think or rethink your life as a Christian, a church leader, or as a church member.   Do not just read books that you agree with.   Be challenged by what you read.   As Albert Mohler (The Conviction to Lead) put it:  when you find a leader, you find a reader, and for good reason.   Engage one of the outside resources listed above and you will not regret your decision.   Outside consultation will help you move from strength to strength in faith and in ministry.   Ask someone in your church to advise you and hold you accountable for your personal spiritual and ministry growth.   And know there are many ways I can serve and help you as a church leader and/or as a church.   Check out the RESOURCE page on the Ministry Formation website for the many ways I can assist and give you advice.

Just remember the consultation maxim given by our Creator: "Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed."  Prov 15:22   Don't wait for the warning light to come on.