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2 minutes reading time (398 words)

Mystery over Solution

"The modern mind loves answers.... The postmodern is not obsessed with solutions.  In fact, mystey is more attractive than answers. The journey is better than the destination."  (Neil Cole, Church 3.0, pp. 38f)  This messes with me, and I don't know about you. 


But I grew up in the modern world -- a world that prided itself on having solutions for everything.  When I entered into the ministry I was determined to solve everybody's problems.  I did not have enough nerve to think I could solve ALL the world's problems, but I would give it my best shot.  If I would reread my sermons in the first decade of preaching, most of them were prescriptive.   My audience would come away each Sunday with a "to do" list for life improvement.  It is like getting a script from the doctor.  Take two of these each morning and your symptoms would improve.

Cole suggests that this approach will not work with postmoderns.  And as much as this messes with me, I have come to appreciate what he is saying.  If we are to reach the culture of today we need to be more descriptive rather prescriptive.  As Cole writes:  "Rather than a formulaic approach to reach this world that offers a four-step solution to all of life's woes, new formes of church will offer the adventure of following Christ in a lifelong pursuit through hell and high water.... Gone are the days of 'Ten Rules to Success in Your Life.'  Now the message is of the kingdom that has mystery, paradox, and poetry." (p. 39) 
Jeannie and I are planning to reach our neighbourhood with the gospel.  You know the routine:  put on a dinner, show a DVD, and share a time of discussion and fellowship.  Plant the seed, and expect God to give the growth.  We thought about using the Alpha program.  We explored others.  We are settling on H2O A Journey of Faith.   Why?  Because we find this material will better reach postmoderns.  Just look at the title -- the focus is on a journey, not a destination.  But there is more.  The whole DVD series is full of experience -- more mystery, than answers.  We are going through this material in our life group, and so far, the journey has been a good experience.

What Cole suggests, does it mess with you as much as it messes with me?  

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