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4 minutes reading time (744 words)


baton handoff smI never was really good at running!  I had long enough legs, but as a youth, other than ice hockey, I did not do sports.  And in hockey, I was the goalie, which meant I had to stay in the net.  That was fine by me.  My exercise equipment of choice is a cross-trainer otherwise known as an elliptical trainer.  This is a stationary exercise machine used to simulate stair climbing, walking, or running.  Again I can stay put!

The Christian life, however, is a race.  We are urged to "run with perseverance the race marked out for us." (Hebrews 12:1)  We are given the example of our Lord Jesus who ran his race and completed his mission to encourage us to "not grow weary and lose heart" (v. 3).   As a Christian leader, the apostle Paul admitted of a time he had concern that he was running or had run his race in vain. (Galatians 2:2)  All of this makes me think about the race I am running as a Christian and as a Christian leader.  Like Paul I do not want to run this race in vain.   I also do not like to grow weary of ministry, lose heart and zeal for God's calling on my life.  What keeps me running with perseverance is the hand-off.

See, the Christian life and ministry is a relay race!  Our Lord showed by his example what this relay race looks like.  As he went about the routine tasks of ministry, he would notice people.   Luke tells us that one day when Jesus was teaching people the word of God he noticed some men washing their fishing nets.  The day ended with these men leaving their nets and fishing boats to follow Jesus and learn how to catch people (Luke 5:1-11).  For the next few years Jesus taught these and other men, and also some women, how to tell people the good news of salvation.   One day Jesus gave the hand-off.  His work on earth was done and he handed-off the baton of gospel ministry to his followers:  "You will be my witnesses ... to the end of the earth." (Acts 1:8)  As Jesus went the way of the cross so too his followers would take up their cross and run the race marked out for them. (Matthew 16:24) 

A teacher once said me, "One day I won't be here anymore, and I want you to pass on to others what I am teaching you today."  Not many years later, due to failing health, this teacher had to give up teaching and speaking.  His work on earth had been finished and my teacher, Haddon Robinson, is now home with the Lord.  But for the past 20 years I have continue to run this race he once ran with perseverance.  I pass on to others what Haddon passed on to me.   One day my legs (or voice) will give out and my race on earth will be over.  What matters is the hand-off -- those who will continue running this race once our race has finished.

As churches we know how important this 'hand-off' is.  We want those trained for ministry to be encouraged and equipped to train others and, in particular, ordained ministers consider training at least one person as their ministry "apprentice".   Why is this so important?   Well right now, when we consider the number of vacant churches and those ministers retiring from employed ministry, today we have a shortage of 13 ministers.   In 5 years the shortfall will be 16.   In 10 years, up to 26.  The answer to this increasing shortage of ministers is the 'hand-off'.   And not just ordained men for ministry.  We need our churches to be training hubs to raise up the next generation of gospel workers.   As we go about everyday ministry, like Jesus we need to notice those people we need to invest in, offer some training, and create opportunities for them to serve.  One day these are the men and women that you will hand-off the baton to!  

When Jesus left this earth and did the hand-off he told his followers:  "Keep running the race marked out for you!"  And so we keep running this race.  Do not run in vain.  One day your race will end and another runner needs to be in the race.  It all depends on the 'hand-off'.      

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