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4 minutes reading time (724 words)


Bushfire animalsOver a billion of animals and "hundreds of billions" of insects have been killed in bushfires throughout New South Wales this season, according to leading wildlife experts.  In an ABC news report we are told that Australian wildlife has had to deal with four things: the incredibly fragile overheated periods before fires, the fire itself, the lack of habitat and food after the fire, and the invasion of foxes and cats in these burnt out areas.  A billion or more animals faced death due these forest fires.

There is a human tragedy that parallels the loss of billions of animals and insects.  We know how devastating the bushfires have been in Australia: 18 million of hectares of land have burned, over 2800 houses have been destroyed, and at least 28 people have died in the bushfires.  But there is a human tragedy that is even far more devastating.

I am reminded of a song by Keith Green:   

I find it hard to turn away, a billion starving people,
But what can one do, I've heard you say - you can't save someone's life
I want to save a life today, I want to get someone close with my Father.
Be them the bread of life today, I want to help them get stronger, help them last longer
And give them a chance to see Jesus.

I find it hard to just ignore, the murdered unborn children,
Yes times have changed, but still God warns, you shall not take a life.
I want to save a life today, I want to keep one alive for my Father, Who will avenge the blood!
Of weak and helpless ones someday - whose lives are spilled out like water,
Lambs in the slaughter, and each one is handmade by Jesus.

I find it hard to turn away, a billion starving people, a billion starving people.

The human tragedy today are the billions of starving people.   People starving for justice in an unjust world.   People starving for bread in a unfair world.   The weak and helpless are starving for life in a cruel world.  Billions are starving for the bread of life -- for someone to point them to Jesus! (John 6:35)   Billions are thirsty and need someone to help them drink without cost from the spring of the water of life (John 4:13-14; Rev. 21:6).   The tragedy is that billions in our world today will not spend eternity with God, their names will not be in the book of life, and their death will end in a lake of fire (Rev. 20:13-15).

Much can be done in Australia to save billions of creatures from a firey death.   And much can be done in Australia to save the billions of people here and throughout the world from the lake of fire.   We know the One who has the words of eternal life (John 6:68).   You and I who are followers of Christ need to be the bread of life to the starving in the world, to help them get stronger, help them last longer, and give them the chance to see Jesus.   We need "to act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with our God" (Micah 6:8).   As churches we are committed "to equip our church members to be disciples of Christ and multiply the number of people who are actively involved in God's mission." (TRAIN)  Why?  Why do we keep insisting on joining God in his mission in this world?  I can give you a billion reasons.  The billion (and more) of people throughout the world who are lost, who are not born again through faith in Jesus Christ, and who are heading toward an eternity without God.  

This task might seem too big for you, but as Mother Theresa once said, "If you can't feed a hundred people, then feed just one."  And if you can't help a billion people who are starving for the gospel, then just share the bread of life with just one person:  your grandchild, your neighbour, your co-worker, the people you meet along life's way!    Just do something!   Save a life today!  I find it hard to turn away from a billion starving people, the billions of people who need Jesus!    

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