By Jack De Vries on Sunday, 13 December 2020
Category: The Four Fold Task

Priorities 2021

At times I get overwhelmed by the simple volume of tasks I have to achieve.   And I am not alone.   Every pastor and church leader has a keen sense that there are just not enough hours to do all that needs to be done.   When I served the local church as their minister, there was always another sermon to write, another visit to make, an email to respond to, some planning to organise, a meeting to prepare for, and a book to read.   On top of all the tasks to do, there were spiritual disciplines to engage in, relationships to foster, a family to be with, and the unexpected which was bound to happen.  With everything that needs to be done, how do we set priorities?   

The Bible has a lot to say about setting priorities.   For example, Jesus taught that there are some things in life that we need to put first.   In Matthew 6:33 we are told:  "Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things [our physical needs] will be added to you."   To one of his followers who was busy with lots of things, Jesus said:   "Martha, Martha, are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed."  (Lk 10:41–42).  Jesus warned another person about his misplaced priorities in life when he said:  "You still lack one thing.   Sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven.   Then come, follow me."  (Luke 18:22)  On the contrary, David seemed to have his priorities in order when he speaks about the 'one thing' that was on the top of his list in life:  his relationship with God.  (Psalm 27:4)  

Perhaps it is simple to figure out the priorities we need to have in life.   A study of God's Word will inform your priorities.  But what about priorities in ministry?   Or yo

ur church?   What about our denomination?   How does one set priorities?   I have found that a helpful way to set priorities is to think about all the things you have to do.   For everything you are required to achieve, consider how important and urgent it is.   Use the grid on the right to help you set priorities.  If the task is unimportant and not urgent, then put that task in the left-hand lower box (low/low).   If the task is important and urgent, place that task in the upper right-hand box (high/high).   Do this with every task you think you need to do.   You will soon realise which things are not important or urgent.   For those things that are both important and urgent, plan to do these things immediately.   Those things must be your priority.   Those things you must attend to first.

You might wonder, what are important and urgent things?  For your church, the importants things are those tasks that align with your mission, your vision, core values, and your strategic plan.  If any task does not line up with any of these, then it is unimportant and, therefore, not a priority.   In a previous blog I wrote about the matter of urgency.   Urgent things are those ministry tasks, if we fail to do them, we will seriously hinder the impact of the gospel in our life and the world around us.   The lost will not be found.  The found will not be discipled.   Churches will not grow in number nor plant new churches.   Church members will not be equipped for the work of ministry.   Leaders will not be multiplied.  The nations of our world will not hear the good news of Jesus.

As I look ahead to 2021, and think about all the things that I/we need to be doing as churches and church leaders, I soon realize that we need to set some priorities.   What are those things that are both high in importance and high in urgency?   As I think about the year ahead, and beyond that to the next triennium as a denomination, there are six things that I would place in the high urgency/high importance category.   These things all align with the CRCA mission, vision, core values and strategic plan.   And if we don't do these things, our gospel impact will be severely hindered.   

So what are these six priorities for our churches, for the CRCA?   We need to (1) implement church health initiatives.   Healthy churches will grow both spiritually,  numerically, and in gospel impact in their communities.  Unhealthy churches will continue to decline.   (2) Every member needs to be equipped in outreach.   This will include engaging in prayer, and assisting every believer in building relationships with sinners by showing the love of Christ and sharing the gospel with them.    We need to (3) make disciples who disciple others.  Every follower of Jesus needs to be engaged in teaching others all that Jesus has taught us (Matthew 28:19-20)   We also need our church leaders to flourish in ministry.   For this reason (4) every leader needs to be in a coaching relationship.   We need more church leaders, especially pastors to minister in our churches.   This is why (5) raising up gospel workers must be a priority into 2021 and the next ten years.   And finally, if we are going to reach Australia (and the world) as churches we need to be (6) considering church planting.  We literally need hundreds of churches to be planted in Australia.   Some of these will be CRCA church plants.

Six priorities for 2021!   These are the things I will remain laser focused on as we turn the calendar page to a new year.   Think about all the things you need to do next year as a church and as a church leader.   Are these things important?    Are they urgent?  What are your priorities for 2021?