By Jack De Vries on Sunday, 27 June 2021
Category: The Four Fold Task

The Power of Example

The power of an example cannot be understated.   All of us have been influenced in life by others.   If I were ask you to think about those people who have influenced your life, undoubtedly some names would crop up in your mind.   As a believer it might be the powerful life of some pastor, a youth worker, a friend, or some other Christian in the formative years of your life.   As a business person it could be some mentor or former employer.   As a student it might be a teacher or fellow student.   Personally I could give you a list of names of those who have been an example in my life.   Pastor Chuck who inspired me to consider full-time gospel work.   Dr. Marion Snapper who modelled to me the positive role of a mentor.   My mother who was example to me of perseverence and godly faith.   Just to name a few.   Who do you think of?

“Example is not the main thing in life—it is the only thing.” This statement by the famous medical missionary and author, Albert Schweitzer, clearly states the importance and power of example.  We see the power of example illustrated throughout the Bible.   God is presented to us as our example to follow.   God commands us:  "You shall be holy, for I the LORD your God am holy." (Leviticus 9:2)   Jesus echoes this when he said, "You ... shall be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect." (Matthew 5:48)   Throughout his years of ministry on earth our Lord Jesus modelled to us the godly life.   His life became an example to his followers, so much so, that the apostle Paul writes:  "Follow my example, as I follow the example of Jesus." (I Corinthians 11:1)   As Christians we are to be good examples to others, as Paul encouraged Timothy to be "an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith, and in purity."  (1 Timothy 4:12)   The apostle Peter tells the Christian women of his day that they are able help their unbelieving spouses come to faith simply by the example of their godly lives. (see 1 Peter 3:1-6)   In fact, one of the best apologetics for the faith is the example of living godly lives among atheists we encounter around us. (see 1 Peter 2:12)   As pastor and author Mark Dever writes:  In our lives as Christians, individually, and in multiplied effect in our lives together as churches, we hold out God’s light of hope in this dark and despairing world. By our lives as Christians we are teaching each other, and the surrounding world about God. If we love each other, we show something of what it is like to love God.... In our holiness, we show the holiness of God. We are called to give people hope that there is another way of living, than the lives of selfish frustration that our fallen natures and the world around conspire to encourage us to follow.1

We see the power of example in faithful Christians.   We also see the power of example in effective churches.  Authors Ed Stetzer and Warren Bird wrote a book a number of years ago for the Leadership Network entitled Viral Churches.   In this book they share the best practices of 26 churches and networks that are effective in reaching the lost for Christ.   Warren Bird authored another book, Innovative Transitions, with Dale Galloway, that gives examples of 15 churches that have gone through some form of transition from maintenance to effective mission and ministry.   Well we believe that in the CRCA there are also models of effective local churches.   For this reason, one of the strategies that we want to use to live out our denominational mission and vision in this world is to "cultivate and refine models of effective local churches which are proven examples of distinctly reformed and kindom orientated churches for others to learn from." 

To have models of effective local churches will require both cultivation and refinement.   Practically, what does this look for the CRCA?   Well, throughout the CRCA there are churches that are proven examples of distinctly reformed and kingdom orientated churches for others to learn from.   If your church is considering planting a church, you can learn a lot from churches in the Kingston (TAS) network of churches, Willetton (WA), South Barwon (VIC), and Casey (VIC).  If your church is going through a transition, you will benefit a lot from visiting and/or speaking with the New Life Christian Church (NSW) who have transitioned from maintenance (decline) to effective mission and ministry (growth).   If your church is developing a team ministry of multiple staff, churches like Grace CRC (WA) and Bray Park Community Church (QLD) will have much to teach you about team ministry.   If your church desires to increase their outreach temperature, you might want to give Redlands CRC (QLD), Riverbank Christian Church (TAS), Sutherland CRC (NSW), or Westside Christian Church (QLD) a call.   These churches might not consider themselves as "proven examples", but they have a track record and are growing in these areas.  These models of effective churches in the CRCA will need more cultivation and refinement.  As churches we have a lot to learn and these churches will have a lot to teach us.  There also are other churches I could mention.  The point is simply this:  there are examples of effective churches among us for your church to learn from.  The GROW and TRAIN Workgroups, along with Ministry Formation, are well positioned to identify these models of effective local churches and link them to other churches who need help in one or more aspect of church life and ministry. 

This strategy of cultivating and refining models of effective local churches needs intentional focus going forward by both the GROW and TRAIN Workgroups.   But this is the blessing of being part of a denomination.   As parts of the body of Christ known as the CRCA, we "have equal concern for each other.   If one part suffers, every part suffers with it;  if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it." (1 Corinthians 12:25-26)   Where one local church might struggle in ministry there is another local church that is a proven example of effectiveness in ministry.   Together we are stronger. (see Ecclesiastes 4:9-12)   Together we realise the power of example.

---------------------- (accessed 27/06/2021)

2Check out the rest of the other CRCA strategies outlined in this current series of articles: coachingevangelismdisciple-makingleadership developmentgrowing gospel workerschurch health analysischurch growth, and cross-cultural investment.