By Jack De Vries on Thursday, 18 August 2011
Category: The Four Fold Task

The Reason for Our Existence!

I met with a young preacher today and he posed a question that made me do some reflection.   Over the next year he hopes to ask this question of a number of "older" colleagues in the ministry.  "What is the most important lesson I have learned in my years of ministry?"   I did not have to think long to format an answer in my mind.   The almost three decades of ministry have taught me a very important lesson.

When it comes to ministry in the church, we can be so busy with preparing sermons, visiting congregants, and attending meetings.   But if we are serious about reaching the lost for Christ, we must not neglect discipling converts and raising up leaders.   If I had to repeat some of my years in ministry, I would devote a lot more of my time in discipling people and developing leaders.   The "found" need to be taught everything that Jesus taught us (Matthew 28:19ff).   Men and women need to be trained how to multiply ministry so that the gospel goes out to the ends of the earth (Ephesians 4).  Discipling new believers and equipping the saints for ministry.

It was great to be at the recent CRCA Ministry Conference, Recharge 2011.   Registrations were almost fulled booked and from the evaluations received, the conference was a real blessing to all who attended.   Kevin and Sherry Harney, our main speakers, had a wonderful way of challenging church leaders to examine the inner life of a leader.   Some of the comments received were:  "This was a really God honouring week."   "Fabulous time of encouragement and refreshment.   Excellent to have a couple who presented talks that were relevant to both husbands and wives."   "Best overall conference for men and women and a great recharge."  "It was lovely to connect, relax, reflect, and think about Jesus."   Praise to our wonderful Triune God for hearing our prayers and helping the conference to turn out so well.  If you did not have the opportunity to attend this conference all the plenary sessions with Kevin and Sherry, along with the Bible talks given by colleagues, can be listened to or downloaded from the Ministry Formation site:

Many pastors and churches are utilising the books and resources that Kevin and Sherry Harney have written.    Today I received a note from one of our churches indicating that they have made Kevin's most recent book, The UTurn Church, required reading for all their elders.  This book has formed the basis for their elders' retreat.   They found this book a good resource and the springboard for some good discussion.   In the current Ministry Formation newsletter (August) I have reviewed Kevin's book Organic Outreach for Ordinary People.  I read this book on my annual leave -- and it is a really good read!

C.S. Lewis once said:  "The church exists for nothing else but to draw men into Christ .... If they are not doing that, all the cathedrals, clergy, missions, sermons, even the Bible itself, are simply a waste of time.  God became Man for no other purpose."    In the August newsletter you will find a number of articles that will explore how we as church leaders and churches can be more effective in keeping the main thing the main thing -- drawing people into Christ.   Kevin's book shows how to do evangelism naturally.    If you don't know where to begin discipling new believers, then check out the article on "Effective Mentoring."   Perhaps you find ministry difficult;  you are facing many challenges.   In the article "Attitude Adjusters" you will find great encouragement from God's Word to stand firm.    If you have ever wondered how to leverage short-term mission trips for the sake of the gospel, then discuss the article on "Increasing the Effectiveness of Short-Term Missions" with your leaders.   Make the next short-term mission trip really count.  These are just several of the articles you will find this month's newsletter.   Check out Ministry Formation also on Facebook.   You will find pictures of the Esther series of sermons done at Grace CRC in Perth, WA.   Be inspired!

I will catch up with a number of you at the Oxygen-National Pastors and Leaders Conference in Sydney at the end of the month (29-31 August).   It still is not too late to register.    If you can't make this conference, there are a number of other events you won't want to miss:   2011 Preaching Conference(29-30 September) or Fan the Flame (26-28 November) at the Reformed Theological College, Geelong, or the National In the Chute Church Planting Conference in  Melbourne (28-30 November).  More details are found in the August newsletter.

What important lessons have you learned in your years of ministry?    I would love to hear from you.   Let me know!  But whatever you do, keep the main thing the main thing.  Draw men and women into Christ.  The Church exists for nothing else.