By Jack De Vries on Wednesday, 07 September 2011
Category: The Four Fold Task

Pioneer Community Church (Mackay) Begins 2nd Phase

Pioneer Community Church, a CRCA church plant in Mackay, will kick off the second phase of the church plant at a gathering at the Mackay Harbour Park on Sunday 11 September 2011(2:30 - 5:00 pm).   It is with gratitude to God and in answer to many prayers that a group of believers is growing, a group committed to seeing the establishment of a Christian Reformed Church in Mackay.

A launch team has been meeting for several months already and they are putting the final touches on the Mission Action Plan(MAP).   This was the critical task of the first phase of this church plant.   Wayne Crouch, one of the pastors of Bray Park Community Church (Bray Park, QLD), assisted the launch team in the drafting of the MAP.   Jack De Vries guided the process and followed up with the team as well.    The team met weekly to discuss the vision, mission, core values and goals of this new CRCA congregation.   They believe God is calling them to plant a church with firm foundations, a gathering of Christ followers firmly rooted in God's Word.  Their vision is to be a church devoted to preaching the gospel, teaching the Bible, and reaching out with compassion into the community.   They envision, solely leaning on God's grace and help, that by 2016 Pioneer Community Church will grow to a joyful community of 500 people all committed to growing in grace and reaching out with the gospel into the wider community.  

The name of this new church plant, Pioneer Community Church, reflects the vision of this growing community of Christians.   The river which splits the town of Mackay is the Pioneer River.  This river extends of many kilometers into the very fertile Pioneer Valley.   This new church is committed to extend its outreach all across this region.   Also, this new church will target the thousands of migrants, including many Afrikaners, who have moved into this rapidly growing town of Mackay.   Like the pioneers of the past, these men, women, and children are making a new start for themselves in a new country.   At PCC many will experience community and a church home where there can grow in faith, hope, and love.

The second phase of this church plant will prepare the church for going public.  This will include the beginning of small group ministries, pre-launch services, and the eventual launch of Pioneer Community Church with weekly services and ministries extending into the community.   At the gathering on 11 September Jack De Vries will share the progress which has been made over the past number of months.   Also, individual members of the launch team will share some of the goals of the various ministries.

Many invitations have gone out for this gathering on 11 September -- by email, Facebook, newspaper articles and by word of mouth.   Please pray for this gathering this coming Sunday.   Pray that God will continue to lead this church by his grace and that his name will be glorified all the more as this church is planted and extends its witness into the broader community.

If you require more info about this event on 11 September, you can email PCC at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.