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The Pioneer and Perfecter of the Church

A new church is being planted in Mackay – Pioneer Community Church.  And I guess I could start today* by talking about all the plans that have been made over the past number of months.   A lot has been accomplished. The launch team has put in many hours and many prayers into giving direction for a healthy launch of Mackay’s newest congregation – a church called Pioneer Community Church. And we will get to that – all the plans for the future of this church.

  But we first we look to Jesus. We look to Jesus because this is what we are urged to do according to the book of Hebrews: "Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus the pioneer and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God." (Hebrews 12:1-2)

We are told: "Look to Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of our faith." Yes, here in Hebrews 12:2 we find the word pioneer. This word pioneer is found only four times in the Bible – two times in the book of Acts and two times in the book of Hebrews – and every time the Bible uses the word pioneer it refers to Jesus! He is the pioneer and perfecter of our faith.

The Greek word for pioneer meaning "head, chief, originator, explorer." One basic idea clings to this word in all its uses. A pioneer is one who begins something in order that others may enter into it. We see this with Jesus, don’t we? Hebrews 12 talks about that. Jesus began something in order that we may enter into it. Jesus, the perfect eternal Son of God, left His Father’s throne and came down to earth to die on a shameful cross. He paid a price for a debt he did not owe. Your sins, my sins put Jesus on the cross. The wrath of God for our sins was placed upon Jesus. He endured the painful suffering of the cross. He despised its shame. In other words, He did it willingly and lovingly. Jesus was willing to do all of this – why? For the joy set before him – the joy of accomplishing our salvation and being glorified at the Father’s right hand. Jesus did all of this so that others may enter into it, so that you and I may enter into eternal life. That is why the Bible calls Jesus the pioneer of our faith.

To call Mackay’s newest church Pioneer Community Church could not be a more fitting name.  Yes, the town of Mackay borders of both shores of the Pioneer River. And yes, this beautiful part of God’s creation, this fertile valley all around us, is called the Pioneer Valley. And yes, many people who will become part of this new church will be migrants – like so many of you – and coming to this new land – it is like starting over, a new beginning, like the pioneers who first settled on this great continent. You are pioneers – beginning something so that others may enter it – and for many of you, you are mindful of your children – coming here to Australia so that your children and grandchildren can have a better future. These might be reasons enough to be part of a church called Pioneer Community Church.

But allow me to suggest one more reason – and perhaps this is the most important reason of all to called this new church Pioneer Community Church.  As we look to Jesus, the book of Hebrews urges us, as Paul also writes to the Ephesians, to become more and more like Jesus. Think of this new church – there will hundreds of men, women and children who will be part of this church. And each one, like Jesus, will be a pioneer. Remember, a pioneer is one who begins something in order that others may enter into it. Why are we beginning a new church? Why all this effort of gathering a community of like-minded believers together? Well, we are beginning something in order that others may enter into it as well. As pioneers we are beginning this new church so that others – your neighbours, thousands of migrants, the unchurched men, women and children living in Mackay – yes, so that these others may enter into a relationship with Jesus – so that one day, like Jesus, like you, like me, they will enter into what Hebrews 11 calls "a better country – a heavenly one."

So what will the future of this church look like? Well, we have some ideas – that is why the launch team has been meeting for the past several months.  But again, I bring you back to Hebrews 12:2. Jesus is not only the pioneer of your faith; he is also the perfecter of your faith.  The word perfecter means: "to carry through completely, to finish, to make perfect or complete." Jesus not only gives you faith as you start the race. He is also the one who will carry you through to the finish line. He is both the start and the end of the race. As we fix our eyes on Jesus, someday we, like Jesus, will cross the finish line into that better country.

Pioneer Community Church is at the starting line. The race is mapped out in front of us.  We might not be completely sure what that race will look like. Oh, we know there will be bumps along the road, there will be rivers to cross and mountains to climb – but as Hebrews reminds us, as we keep our eyes fixed on Jesus – not only will we have a good start at the beginning – we will also get across the finish line. Jesus is both the start and the end of everything – the pioneer and the perfecter of our faith.

So as we begin this journey together as Pioneer Community Church, let us keep our eyes fixed on Jesus – the pioneer and perfecter of our faith.  Let us begin all of this so that others too may join us in the race – to run with perseverance the race that God has marked out for us.

* Message given by Jack De Vries on 11 September 2011 at the launch of phase two of the new CRCA church plant in Mackay.

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