By Jack De Vries on Wednesday, 30 November 2011
Category: The Four Fold Task

A Must Read: The Gate Seldom Found

"If I could have only one novel on a desert island, this book would give me family, faith, and hope."   So writes F. LaGard Smith, author of The Daily Bible.   I bought this novel some years back, but only a couple of weeks did I pick it up, to read it.   Well, I not only read this book, I devoured it.   It is such a great read.  

Perhaps I loved this novel since it takes place in the rural communities and surrounding cities near where we grew up and I last pastored.   I could truly identify with the places mentioned.   But even if you are not familiar with South Western Ontario, Canada, this is a must read book.   This novel is based on a true story of a little known Christian fellowship that flowered late in the 19th century.  The main character of this book becomes dissatisfied by the traditional answers of his church, but is driven by an urgency for understanding.   So he turns to a close circle of friends who begin seeking a deeper faith.    The resulting intimacy of their fellowship offers a testimony to the enduring nature of authentic Christian communion and the simplicity of the gospel.

For each of us there comes a day of decision.   Will we follow God, no matter where He leads?   The unforgettable characters in this novel do exactly that -- follow God, no matter what.   They resolutely follow in the footsteps of Jesus and His disciples and begin gospel communities all over the place, one town after another.   When I finished reading this novel, I began to weep.   Serious!   I wept with an overwhelming sense of the presence of Christ in my life.   I wept with an convicting sense of the need to follow Jesus, no matter what.   This book messed with my mind -- not in a bad way, but in a very good way.   Not just my mind -- but my inner self, my relationship with Jesus, my convictions about the church and ministry.

So if you need a good novel to read this holiday season or to give as a gift -- check out The Gate Seldom Found by Raymond Reid.   The book is not available from Word or Koorong, but you can get it from Amazon.  Here is a link: