By Jack De Vries on Saturday, 22 September 2012
Category: The Four Fold Task

Church Planting Strategy - Kingston CRC

Brian Vaatstra shares the Kingston experience of Church Planting, outlining the five stages leading up to the establishment of a core group and the steps to launching a new church.

Stage 1 – Clear vision & gaining commitment & cultivating values

Stage 2 – Identify an area & establish a core group

Stage 3 – Focus & unite the core group around the gospel

Stage 4 – Encourage the core group to be active in evangelism

Stage 5 – As the Spirit leads and it becomes obvious that we need to step out in faith, start planning the practical steps as follows:

1. Appoint leaders

2. Name
Ie., Blackmans Bay Christian Church
3. Vision
Ie., “Bringing the love of Christ to the Blackmans Bay community”
4. Mission

5. Values (by God’s Grace)

6. Ministry Approach

7. Areas of organisation and involvement ie

8. Find a suitable venue
9. Set a time and date to commence
10. The myriad of practical issues