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Advancing Together in Victoria

It was a beautiful day in Dandenong when 100 church members from 12 Christian Reformed churches gathered for the Victoria Advance Together.    Murray Capill, principal and lecturer at the Reformed Theological College, again opened the day with focusing on Jesus' agenda for disciples.   Although this was the second time I heard this message


it was as if I heard it again for the first time.   God's Word is so rich.  Murray began by explaining from Matthew 18 that the first mark of a Christ follower is what he calls "radical nothingness."   When we truly realise that everything we have and everything we are is a result of God's grace -- this changes your perspective in life.   We can look beyond our inadequacies and know that the Kingdom is not about us; it is about Jesus!   In His strength we are able to live the radical values of the kingdom of heaven here on earth.

Jonathan Vandenberg and Ray Rus joined me (Jack De Vries) again in leading electives on small groups, pastoral care, and leadership.   The new minister at Hope In The Hills, Leo Douma, led an elective on missions.   Discipleship is all about following Jesus.   He made the point that "if we are in sub-mission to Jesus we get per-mission to go on co-mission with him."   It is Jesus' love that compels us in mission and like Jesus we take every opportunity we can to gossip about the gospel.

A highlight again this time was the gathering of churches.   After the key message and the four electives, churches came together in clusters to interact with each other how they as individuals and church communities can make process in making disciples together.   From the buzz in the rooms (and outside), it was obvious that everyone was challenged to think how they could advance the gospel in their respective churches.

Personally I was encouraged to see members of the Pakenham church plant, PC3, form a small group to discuss how they can make disciples together.   This church has not even publicly launched yet, but they are keen to see discipleship the very heartbeat of their outreach into this fast growing eastern suburb of Melbourne.

To see more pictures from Advance Together Victoria check out:

The next Advance Together event will take place on Saturday 18 May 2013 in the Bray Park Community Church, Bray Park, Queensland.   

To register simply send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..






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