By Jack De Vries on Tuesday, 28 May 2013
Category: The Four Fold Task

Making Disciples Together in Queensland

Speakers came up from cooler parts of Australia to the sunshine state -- and it was a sunny day when over 60 church leaders and members came from near and far to the third Advance Together conference.    This event was held in the beautiful facilities of Bray Park Community Church.   After a time of worship led by the worship team of Bray Park, Murray Capill again gave the plenary address, challenging believers to be radical disciples.   This time KJ Tromp, the pastor from the Nerang congregation, joined Ray Rus, Jonathan Vandenberg, and Jack De Vries as one of the elective speakers.    One of those who attended the conference summed up the day beautifully:  " The conference was excellent and I believe God was really at work here today."    And God was!

Here are others are saying about the Advance Together gatherings:

The churches of Classis Queensland made this comment:   Classis Queensland would like to sincerely thank you for organising the "Advance Together" conference. It was an excellent event! At our Classis meeting on Saturday May 25th, everyone said they had appreciated the day. We'd like to congratulate you on the successful running of the event and thank you for creating something which was a benefit to our local churches and church members....
We pray that God may continue to bless you and grow His Kingdom through you and us.

The next Advance Together event will be held in New South Wales on 15 June at New Life Christian Church, Blacktown.   To register, send your details to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.   
The photos from the Advance Together event in Queensland can be viewed here.