By Jack De Vries on Wednesday, 19 June 2013
Category: The Four Fold Task

New South Wales Trumps Queensland

It was almost a replay of the first State of Origin match in 2013.    New South Wales trumped Queensland.    The Blues beat the Maroons.   But it wasn't rugby.   It was the gathering of church leaders and members, men and women, younger and older, at the Advance Together Conference held at New Life Christian Church in Blacktown.

While there were at least 60 church folk at the Queensland gathering in May, on 15 June there were 66 people registered and attending the Advance Together Conference in New South Wales.   It was a cool but sunny day when people gathered for this fourth state-wide event to explore how we can make disciples together.

Many of the thirteen churches of Classis New South Wales were represented, with great numbers from the Sutherland and New Life congregations.   Three church leaders got up early that Saturday morning and took the close to 3 hour drive north from Canberra.   As in each of the other Advance Together events, it was wonderful to sense the buzz around the place -- seeing church members from all across the state engage in conversations.   The highlight of these events has been the coming together of churches after lunch for a time of integrating and applying what they have learned for their own local congregation and community.   

All the talks can now be uploaded from the Ministry Formation website:    There is a possibility that this same event will be held later on in 2013 in Tasmania and we are exploring about hosting a similar event across Australia again in 2014.