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3 minutes reading time (678 words)

Acting Justly and Loving Mercy in Pakenham

"What does the Lord God require of [us]?    To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God." (Micah 6:8)    In a recent trip to the eastern suburbs of Melbourne -- I saw a bunch of Christians living out this relationship with God.

I was in Pakenham, a rapidly growing city in the far eastern reaches of Melbourne, Victoria. Every day commuters board trains and travel to and from the Melbourne CBD for work and/or school.   The last stop on the eastbound trains is Pakenham.   Three years ago a group of Christians from three CRC churches (One Hope, Dandenong, Casey) began to think about and plan for a new church plant in Pakenham.   

This Christian community took on the name PC3 (Pakenham Christian Community Church).   In order to discover how to reach the unchurched in Pakenham, the core group of PC3 did some research on their community.   They also considered the passions and skills of people within their core group.   They soon realised that one key way they could reach the lost was to provide a weekly Community Feed.    Anyone and everyone could come out to a weekly gathering where they would receive a free nutritious meal and where the people of PC3 could begin to establish relationships with the people of Pakenham.   It was at one of these weekly events that I observed justice and mercy in action.

It was not long before scores of men, women, and children, both young and older, began to gather and find their places at one of the tables.   Sean de Kretzer, one of the leaders in the core group, began the evening with opening Scripture.   He shared how this Community Feed was more than just about getting a meal.   This was a demonstration of the love of Christ living in this community of believers for the people of Pakenham.   The other core leaders were also there, including a raft of volunteers who donated, prepared and served hot meals to the hungry guests.   Before the meal, people openly shared prayer requests and Sean lifted up these concerns in prayers, giving thanks to God for all his provisions.   Before people left they were also able to take home a selection of non-perishable grocery items.   You can see photos from this evening here.

Before dinner I got chatting with an elderly man who was a regular attender at these Community Feeds.   This man had many misgivings about God, and thought God ended up like most people:  dead in a cemetery.   I had the opportunity to share with him the truth of the gospel, and assured him that God was indeed not dead, but very much alive and real.   In fact, one of the evidences that God is very much alive and active was this Community Feed. By their good deeds the light of Christ was shining in this dark corner of Victoria (see Matthew 5:16).     I don't think this man was convinced by what I shared, but I do believe that over time, through these weekly gatherings and of the love demonstrated by PC3, this man will come and see that Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

Please pray for this young church.   Yet without a pastor or paid church planter, this church has almost raised $40,000, the target they have set before they consider hiring any part-time or full-time pastor.   Pray that soon they will reach their target.   Pray also that those who come out to these weekly Community Feeds will come and see that our God is real and desires to enter into a relationship with them.    Thank God for the many opportunities for the gospel.    And may the lost be found, the found discipled, and the disciples reach out to others so that many will come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.   To him be all the glory, both now and forever! 



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