By Jack De Vries on Thursday, 20 November 2014
Category: The Four Fold Task

Revive Us Again!

I long for revival! I long for the day when revival comes to Australia and to other western nations. I long for the day when the presence of God is realized in the midst of our nation, when God is seen in industry, commerce, politics, in national and international affairs! I long for revival!

"God our Saviour, ... will you not revive us again?" (Psalm 85:4,6)   This prayer of the sons of Korah is the cry of my heart!   I long for the great awakenings that marked the 18th and 19th centuries in America and Europe.   Recently I read how in 1791 the ministers of the First and Second Baptist Churches of Boston saw the need for a revival from heaven and decided to hold a prayer meeting following the example of the English Baptists.   Soon the main auditorium was filled to overflowing.  Even during winter blizzards the crowds came to pray and God abundantly answered.   Many New York ministers and their congregations joined in the Concert of Prayer for spiritual awakening on the first Monday of each month in 1795 and onwards.   The spiritual awakening swept through Long Island in 1799 continuing through the spring of 1800.  Sexual immorality was swept away.  Bars were deserted.  Family feuds gave way to brotherly love.   Revive us again, O God our Saviour!

If you study the great revivals of history you cannot but notice the importance of concerted prayer!   Prayer is the key to revival!   We understand that among all the things we do as churches, our number one task is to pray.   As churches we decided that our first task is "to call upon God for such an outpouring of his Spirit that his people will be assured of his love through his Word, seek to please the Saviour in all things, manifest the godly life and be filled with prayerful and sacrificial compassion for the lost in all the world." (Task One)  This is praying for revival!

I like to refer you to Eric Hayden's book, Praying for Revival (Christian Focus Publishing, Reformation and Revival Ministries: 2001)   In this book Hayden comments on model prayers found in the Bible.   All of the 22 chapters of this book are brief, but the pages are packed full of helpful principles and truths about praying for revival.

Hayden begins his book by pointing out that "revival depends upon the sovereignty of God.   He sends a spiritual awakening where, when, and upon whom He wills." (9)    So true.  Hayden returns to this truth time and time again throughout the book.   He writes:   "He who made each blade of grass and causes them to bend in the wind can cause His wind of Spirit to bend stubborn hearts and wills." (94)   Hayden goes on to point out that all revival is God's work!  "All Christian work and witness if HIS, not ours, so it cannot be done in our way, our time, with our methods." (97)   "'To God be the glory' should always be the keynote of revival praying." (52)  "Revival begins, continues and is consummated by God.   'The LORD alone shall be exalted in that day.'" (92)

While revival depends upon God's sovereignty, Hayden goes on to point out that "a study of the revivals of the past ... reveal that God's sovereign act always followed hard upon the prevailing prayers of His people.   The central condition of 2 Chronicles 7:14 is 'If my people ... shall ... Pray ... then will I heal their land.'" (9)   There is no secret to revival.   Quoting Matthew Henry, "when God intends a great mercy for His people, the first thing He does is to set them 'a-praying'." (10)

Reflecting on Psalm 85:4-6 (see quote above) Hayden points out that "the word used in this prayer for 'revive' does not mean bringing back from the dead, that is resurrection.   Revival is fanning into flame a dying spark.   When a church is dead ... there can be no revival there.   But where a small spark remains, where a faithful, praying remnant remain, then the Holy Spirit can fan that into a flame again." (25)   And again Hayden writes:   "The crux of this prayer ... is 'Revive US again', not 'Fill our empty pews, give us bigger congregations and more numerous converts' -these are the outcome of revival, not revival itself.   Revival is first of all personal, God dealing with us as individuals." (25)   "Revival is always a spiritual matter, not simply empty pews and pulpits devoid of pulpit giants." (69; emphasis mine)  Hayden adds:   "Revival is the solution to the believer's state of backsliding, his coldness of heart, his lack of zeal and enthusiasm.   Revival is the solution to the church's lack of evangelistic witness and joy in worship.   Revival is also the solution to the needs of the world, economic, political and interpersonal." (27)   With the sons of Korah we cry, "Revive US again!"

Often Christians are wary of talk about revival.    They picture large tents, masses of people at a crusade, with all the hype and emotion that happens when crowds of people gather.   Hayden reflects on this reality.   He writes:   "Many Christians think revival is going to be certain sort of experience.   Certainly, experience plays an important part in revival: an experience of the sovereignty, majesty, glory and excellence of God as a Person.... But revival is often when God speaks to us through His Word, simply and plainly, feeding us until our spiritual hunger is satisfied.... There is nothing like the Word of God for revitalizing, for reviving our spiritual life.... the Word of God is suited to all our spiritual ills; so it makes us live in a revived state." (66)  

If there ever is a time (again) for a spiritual revival through the Word of God, it is today.   Hayden reflects on his own country, Great Britain.   He writes, "Great Britain once used to be known as 'the people of the Book', for the Bible was read in every home and quoted by politicians in Parliament.  Scripture was appealed to as a final authority.   Now, alas, the Bible is neglected or ignored and the Lord's Day and His houses of prayer desecrated and left well-nigh desolate.   Only a revival of church and nation can change such a dreadful situation." (77)   This could not be more true, not only of Great Britain, but Australia and just about every other western nation on the globe.   Christians need to be burdened for revival and daringly call upon the sovereign God of revival to bring revival (again)!

Do you long for revival?   Are you praying for revival?   I encourage you to pick up a copy of Eric Hayden's book and allow his commentary on model prayers in the Bible inspire you to first of all pray for personal revival in your own life.   Then may you gather several others, perhaps your whole church, and pray for revival of God's people and our nations.   Pray persistently, daringly, and continually:   "Will you not revive us again, O God and Saviour?"

In the words of William P. Mackay,

We praise Thee, O God!
For Thy Spirit of light,
Who hath shown us our Savior,
And scattered our night.

All glory and praise
To the Lamb that was slain,
Who hath borne all our sins,
And hath cleansed every stain.

All glory and praise
To the God of all grace,
Who hast brought us, and sought us,
And guided our ways.

Revive us again;
Fill each heart with Thy love;
May each soul be rekindled
With fire from above.

Original author: De