By Jack De Vries on Monday, 15 June 2009
Category: The Four Fold Task

CRCA Restructure - Have Your Say!

The CRCA Synod 2006 recognised that the task of alignment is a continual process. For this reason Synod decided to adopt TASK FOUR: “to reform continually the life of the denomination (including our church ethos, customs, church order, use of resources, denominational committees, support staff and agencies) to encourage and enable the fulfilment of the fundamental aim.” Synod 2006 further instructed the Ministry Formation Workgroup during the past Synodical period (2006-2009) “to continue to evaluate the effectiveness of current synodical structures, their contribution to the mission, and how their programmes or organisations might be made more effective.”

Synod 2009 has now decided that in order to continue to move towards fulfilling the fourfold task, structural realignment of the CRCA denomination is required. The goal is to assist local churches, area Classes, and the denomination as a whole to grow in their effectiveness in fulfilling our Gospel calling. The full report has now gone out to all churches and classes for feedback. The report can also be accessed from the Ministry Formation website. So here is the deal: what do you think about the proposal? Is the nature of the restructure clear? Is there anything that appears to be missed? Is anything in the wrong place? Have your say!