By Jack De Vries on Monday, 19 October 2015
Category: The Four Fold Task


Water currents affect weather patterns. A clear example is an El Nino. When the central and eastern tropical Pacific Ocean become substantially warmer than average this causes a shift in atmospheric circulation. For Australia this means that 2015 will shape up to be one of the hottest years on record. Weather pattern bringing drought and bushfires is expected to reach full force by Christmas.

New currents are also happening with the CRCA SWIM mission in Solomon Islands. And while an El Nino might have devastating effects all across the south Pacific, the new currents at SWIM hold great promise of increased gospel impact and positive mission effectiveness in Solomon Islands.

It was a full house at Redlands CRC as Geoff and Jan Hughes were commissioned in their new calling as SWIM Director. Surrounded by their church family, their children and grandchildren, and extended family and friends, Geoff and Jan committed themselves to leave behind the comfort and security of their homeland to assist in the Word and Deed mission serving together with the other missionaries in Solomon Islands. The congregation pledged their support and following the service, coffee and desserts were served and donations given in support of the SWIM mission. Pastor Jim De Witte preached on Bible verses found in Isaiah 46, words that encouraged Geoff and Jan as they considered taking up this calling: "From the east I summon a bird of prey; from a far-off land, a man to fulfill my purpose. What I have said, that I will bring about; what I have planned, that I will do." New currents will begin to flow when in mid-November Geoff and Jan will cross the Coral Sea and begin their mission work directing the SWIM base.

For the past three years and more Pastor Eric Maefonea has partnered with SWIM as our Word missionary. Across the many islands, across denominations, and across the air waves Eric has been boldly proclaiming the good news of Jesus, raising up leaders, and spreading the fame of God’s name! Eric’s wife Jemima also engages in the equipping and teaching of women. Together they form a vital part of the SWIM mission as the Bible is taught and believers are equipped to do the work of gospel ministry. Pastor Eric has just renewed his contract for an additional three years as SWIM’s Word missionary. God’s Word will continue to flow – and many in Solomon Islands will be like trees planted by the streams as they soak up and delight in the teachings of the Lord (Psalm 1:1-2).

Geoff and Jan will be heading soon to Solomon Islands. Pastor Eric and his wife Jemima will continue to spread the Word. And a new team in Queensland has begun their work providing support, encouragement, and accountability for the SWIM mission. For more than 15 years the work of SWIM has been overseen by a team in Tasmania. With the support of Classis Queensland this team, the Solomon Island Workgroup (SIW), has now been formed in Queensland. Jack Visser, formerly a missionary with SWIM, will chair this newly formed SIW. Jack along with five other people, all members of CRCA churches in Queensland, will form the SIW team. Jack De Vries will serve the SIW in an ad hoc advisory capacity.

With gratitude to God we see fresh new currents flowing in and through the SWIM mission in Solomon Islands. Not only will SWIM offer that cup of cold water in Jesus’ name (see Matthew 10:42) to the many needy and thirsty in Solomon Islands, but ultimately SWIM will direct people to the Source of living water, our Lord Jesus (see John 4:10-11). For in Him we find the water of life, clear as crystal, which causes gospel fruit to grow and be harvested, which provides healing for the nations (see Revelation 22:1-2). Flow, river, flow!  And may 2015-2016 shape up to be one of the most fruitful years that SWIM has ever seen.