By Jack De Vries on Friday, 01 April 2016
Category: The Four Fold Task

Lifted Up

Most everybody has heard of Amazon!    Entrepreneur Jeff Bezos built Amazon from a small online bookseller to a retail giant.  In a recent article in Foreign Affairs (January 4, 2015) Bezos stated:   "Entrepreneurs ... benefit greatly from being willing to fail, willing to experiment.   Good entrepreneurs tend to be stubborn on the vision but flexible on the details.   Another quality is passion for the mission.   The very best products and services are always built by missionaries.  Such people wake up in the morning thinking about that idea, and they're doing that as they close their eyes at night."

When Bezos made that statement he might have reinterpreted what we traditionally think of as 'missionaries';  but perhaps he hasn't!   Let me explain what I mean by telling you a story about one of our churches in Geelong, Victoria.
We have a church in Geelong that in near the very heart of the CBD.   This former Methodist church building located on Pakington Street is near a very trendy strip of cafes and coffee shops.   This is the Geelong congregation.   But most of the members of this church do not live near the church building but instead a good distance away in the outlying suburbs of Geelong.   This church often wondered how they could effectively connect with the people in the heart of the city.   
Well, a member of this congregation had a passion for the mission -- the mission of seeing people from the community connect with the church and the Lord Jesus!   She had an idea that she continually thought about.  The idea was to set up a marquee or two in front of the church and offer people free barista style coffee with pastries and connect with people on the streets.   Like all good entrepreneurs she was willing to fail, willing to experiment.    A true missionary spirit.   This idea resulted in a Saturday morning ministry outside the

church on Pakington Street called Lifted Up!

What is Lifted Up?    On a printed card passers by are given an explanation:   "On Saturday mornings we are here on Pakington Street to share a coffee, pastry, and conversation.   Feel free to wander around the church, ask questions, and chat with someone if you are inclined.   If you have questions about life, God, faith and what's going on, let's talk.  We love to get to know you.
"Lifted Up recalls the ancient biblical account of Moses raising the bronze serpent in the desert.   Anyone who had been bitten by a snake and looked at the bronze serpent was healed.   In time, God lifted up his own Son, Jesus Christ, on the cross of crucifixion to bring healing to the souls of all who look to Him (John 3 v 14).
"The lifting up of Jesus for the redemption of humanity from evil and despair is good news for the world!   We are a community that believes this good news and its transformative power.   A power that generates love, hope and faith in our lives."
People are challenged with this thought:   "Every one of us lives by faith in something.   In what is your faith?"

I saw this outreach in action.   Early Saturday morning the marquees were set up.   People rostered from the congregation came along and brought pastries.   Tables were set up and the barista coffee machine plugged in.   A banner was raised up inviting people to come and have a free coffee.   The doors of the church were open.  And people started to come.   They shared a coffee, some baked goods, and engaging conversations with people from the church.  

What a great experiment trying to reach the community with the good news of Jesus Christ.   The name "Lifted Up", I believe, is really genius.   We all know how a coffee first thing in the morning will give us that 'java jolt'.   It lifts us up!   And as people come to the church on Pakington Street they not only get their free coffee, but they hear about the One who was lifted up to draw all people to himself.
Jeff Bezos was willing to experiment and was willing to fail.   And from his small garage grew a retail giant.   And on Pakington Street we also find a bunch of Christians willing to experiment and fail.   They get up early on Saturdays and open their church doors not knowing if anyone will come!   But who knows, from these couple of marquees in front of the church will gather a growing community of people transformed by the power and person of Jesus Christ?
Do have a passion for the mission?   What is your 'holy discontent' -- that God-given passion that inspires you with ideas that might even keep you up at night?   Well, put your missionary spirit into gear!   Give your idea a go!  Be willing to fail.   Experiment!   be an entrepreneur.   Scatter some seed, lots of it!   Who knows what harvest will be produced -- some thirty, some sixty, some a hundred times what was sown? (see the Parable of the Sower in Mark 4:1-20)