



Progressive vs. Conservative


Moving Your Church Through Growth Barriers (4) Balance in a church, just as it is in life, is a healthy condition! You might know of situations in life when you are pulled in opposing directions. It is not healthy. In one of the churches I served, soon after I arrived on the scene, I spoke with an elderly man who had a lifetime of history in this church. We were looking at the photos of all...

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  663 Hits

Control vs. Release


Moving Your Church Through Growth Barriers (3) We all like to be in charge, in control of our lives and even our own destiny. Desire for control is buried deep in the DNA of human beings. We insist on being in the driver’s seat of our lives. To give up control is difficult. We all know of some people that might be called “control freaks” – they not only like to control their own lives; they...

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  825 Hits

Comfort vs. Discomfort


Moving Your Church Through Growth Barriers (2) We are creatures of habit and we all tend to gravitate to the comfortable pew in church. At least this has been my tendency. When I was a student at university I always sat in the same general area or desk in the classroom. It was familiar, and most often the same people would sit next to me or around me. The same is in church. It is usually...

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  721 Hits

Action vs. Inertia


Moving Your Church Through Growth Barriers (1) You probably heard it said, “Starting the job is half done.” Some might take issue with this maxim arguing that it takes a whole lot more that simply starting something to get it done. That might be true. But there is much truth in this saying. I am writing this article whilst in one of the largest aircrafts in the world, an Airbus A380-800. Engineers will tell you that...

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  627 Hits

The Road Less Travelled

road not taken

Moving Your Church Through Growth Barriers - An Introduction There are many times in life when we come to a fork in the road and we have to make a choice. Do we turn to left or to the right? Or do we turn around? We need to make a choice. Which road do we take? In the words of Robert Frost, do we take the road less travelled? This is what Frost calls the road...

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Sharing Good News Naturally
Sharing Good News Naturally

Organic Outreach

Most churches would agree that evangelism is a priority. The CRCA declares that reaching the lost is central to its calling as a church: we are a church reforming to reach the lost for Christ. But so few churches and Christians are bearing fruit. In fact, most churches are either maintaining the status quo or are in decline.

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Coaching for Healthy Churches and Leaders
Coaching for Healthy Churches and Leaders


Shift is all about movement – with the help of one another and the power of God to reach our broken places and move ever closer to living a life worthy of our callings as churches and leaders. Leadership development begins with acknowledging and trusting the process and the people God uses to grow us.

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