



The CRCA: Increasing Health!

CRCA 2016 Summary

Recently I went through a Cardiac Computed Tomography(CT) Scan.   Sounds complicated, but really it is not!   Doctors used x-rays to take a bunch of detailed pictures of my heart, just to see how healthy my heart is.   Soon I will meet with a cardiologist to discuss the results of this scan. Every year I meet with many churches to discuss their health.   They too have gone through a scan.   In fact, over 1/3 of all CRCA churches have...

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As You Go

RZ Make Disciple Book Thumb

Making disciples has always been a hot topic for me.  David Watson's book on world-changing discipleship, Called and Committed, changed my thinking back in the early 1980's, and in many ways, set the direction for my life's journey as a Christ-follower, a husband, father, and minister of the gospel.   Since then my library shelves have filled with countless other books on discipleship.   Did I really need to have one more? I couldn't resist when I came...

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  1565 Hits

A Big View of Redemption


Have you heard of Cardinal Borromeo?   A story is told by Abraham Kuyper when he gave the Stone Lectures at Princeton Theological Seminary in 1898.   A 16th century plague had ruined the Italian city of Milan, and as the story goes, Cardinal Borromeo bravely stayed in that city to feed and pray for those who were dying.   Kuyper admired this Cardinal’s piety, but he admired John Calvin even more: During the plague, which in the 16th...

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Geoff Jan

Water currents affect weather patterns. A clear example is an El Nino. When the central and eastern tropical Pacific Ocean become substantially warmer than average this causes a shift in atmospheric circulation. For Australia this means that 2015 will shape up to be one of the hottest years on record. Weather pattern bringing drought and bushfires is expected to reach full force by Christmas. New currents are also happening with the CRCA SWIM mission in Solomon...

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Church Health and Church Growth

church health

In the CRCA we talk lots about church health.   It has been stated that healthy churches are growing churches.  But is this true?   If a church is healthy, does that means that we will see growth?   And what kind of growth are we referring to?   Growth in numbers?   Growth in spiritual vitality?   Growth in gospel impact?   Peter Smit has been engaged as a church planter in Baldivis, a growing suburb south of Perth in Western Australia.   I asked him about the correlation between...

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  1364 Hits
Sharing Good News Naturally
Sharing Good News Naturally

Organic Outreach

Most churches would agree that evangelism is a priority. The CRCA declares that reaching the lost is central to its calling as a church: we are a church reforming to reach the lost for Christ. But so few churches and Christians are bearing fruit. In fact, most churches are either maintaining the status quo or are in decline.

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Coaching for Healthy Churches and Leaders
Coaching for Healthy Churches and Leaders


Shift is all about movement – with the help of one another and the power of God to reach our broken places and move ever closer to living a life worthy of our callings as churches and leaders. Leadership development begins with acknowledging and trusting the process and the people God uses to grow us.

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