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Church Health and Church Growth

church healthIn the CRCA we talk lots about church health.   It has been stated that healthy churches are growing churches.  But is this true?   If a church is healthy, does that means that we will see growth?   And what kind of growth are we referring to?   Growth in numbers?   Growth in spiritual vitality?   Growth in gospel impact?  

Peter Smit has been engaged as a church planter in Baldivis, a growing suburb south of Perth in Western Australia.   I asked him about the correlation between chruch health and church growth.   This is how he responded:

"In every natural system in creation, health and vitality are essential for growth and development. A seed needs the right balance of nutrients, water and sunlight for growth to maturity. Where nutrients, water or light are lacking, growth is often stunted and can cease all together.

"Our experience in church planting has reminded us of this important reality. Just like a seed, a new church must have a balance of key elements in order to grow to health and maturity. In our local church, planted in 2013 we have been focusing on some key areas of ministry and mission. These key areas include; extending a loving welcome and warm hospitality to visitors as well as practically loving the body of Christ; reaching the wider community for Christ by serving in areas of real need; providing small groups that study God’s word and offer support, prayer and service opportunities; asking God to fill our hearts with passion for him and his Son; praying that our worships services will be inspired by God’s spirit and power; that new leaders will be raised up to empower others to be disciple makers; that ministry teams and structures will faithfully fulfil their God given tasks; and finally that every person will know and use their spiritual gifts to serve Christ and his church.

"We recognise that these core tasks are some of the most basic elements of church life. As we have prayerfully relied on the Lord’s grace in these key areas, and encouraged the church to give herself to them, we have found God has been giving us spiritual and numerical growth. Our recent Natural Church Development survey has reminded us that there is a clear correlation between church health and church growth. We have a long way to go to reach maturity but we pray that our Lord Jesus will enable us to do the key things more effectively that he might receive all the glory and praise."  (Pastor Peter Smit)

Are you are interested in exploring how you can increase the health of your church?   As part of the Church Health Network in the CRCA we can offer support, coaching, and training assisting pastors, sessions/church leaders, and/or the local church in maximizing church health.   Contact us This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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