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Making True Disciples

12028858 10156478020052355 7442725658868914085 oWhat is discipleship all about?   How do we reach out to the lost, help people come to faith, encourage spiritual growth, and equip followers of Jesus to disciple others?   People gathered in Campbelltown CRC to explore what it means to make true disciples.(see more photos)   There were senior members who had a real concern to pass on their faith to their children and grandchildren.   There were uni students exploring what they might do to engage fellow students in the claims of Christianity.   Children were there thinking how they might use an iPad to learn about what it means to love Jesus and do what the Bible says.

The Christian Reformed Churches of Australia (CRCA) is committed to growing true disciples.  One of the central tasks of the church is to "equip our church members to be disciples of Christ" (read more).   As a denomination we are committed to assisting church leaders and churches to engage in making true disciples.   One of the key discipleship tool the CRCA has developed is an online tool the Discipleship Matrix.  The Discipleship Matrix has been designed as a tool to stimulate growth in disciples. The primary use of the Discipleship Matrix is for self assessment.  As persons interact with the questions and interactions outlined in The Matrix, they will be encouraged to move on in their Christian faith and life and to take the next steps toward growth.  This tool can also be used by those who are discipling and/or mentoring others.   Some small groups in churches are using the Discipleship Matrix as a guide for their bible studies.   One church will be using the Discipleship Matrix in their upcoming church camp.   The options are really endless.  

While I was in Campbelltown I spoke to a person who has been attending this church for a number of years.   When I explained to her what this online tool is all about and demonstrated from my smartphone how this tool can be used, she was amazed.   She said to me, "This is an answer to my prayers.   I have been looking for something to guide my spiritual growth.   I wanted something that would be Biblical and true to the Reformed distinctives that I believe to be true.  And here it is."   All she had to do was open up her browser, her iPad, or her smartphone, and she was one click away from discovering areas where she could grow spiritually.

Over the next six months members of our TRAIN workgroup will be going around to all the states in Australia to rollout the Discipleship Matrix.   They will explain and demonstrate how this tool can be used and how people can very simply, in the comfort of their own home, or in a cafe, on the train, or in a park -- explore how they and others can become true followers of Jesus.

I encourage you to explore the Discipleship Matrix for yourself, if you haven't done so already. (click here)  Or if you want more information, do not hestitate to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


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