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2 minutes reading time (428 words)

Of Elephants and Mice

"The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in the mind at the same time, and still retain the ability to function." -- F. Scott Fitzgerald.   Now, this might disqualify 50% of humans beings, as my wife keeps reminding me: 


us male species have a hard time multi-tasking.   And for the most part, she is right on the money.   But here is the deal:  Dave Browning, in his latest book Hybrid Church (Jossey-Bass: 2010), argues for a fusion of intimacy and impact, micro and macro church, elephants and mice.   It is not either/or but both/and.    Keeping two opposed ideas in the mind at the same time and still retaining the ability to function. 

In the October newsletter I championed Browning's book and made available a sample section from this book.  My copy arrived a couple of weeks ago and I picked it up today and finished it in one sitting.    This book, soon to be available from your local Christian bookstore, is a great read.   Browning discusses both trends in the Christian church today -- the trend to become a mega-church of mega-size with mega-programs making mega-impact OR a micro-church, cell-based, small and intimate. 

We see both of these trends in our society today.   Recently I visited a mate of mine at his home and watched a football game on a screen that would rival the local movie theatre.   When I travel on airplanes I see a number of fellow travellers watch movies on their IPhone.  Big is getting bigger;  small is getting smaller.  
When it comes to the church some say big is better; others say small is best.   What is better -- an elephant or a mouse?   Well it all depends what you want to accomplish.   Elephants can move huge objects but they require huge amounts of energy.   Mice have easier mobility but they don't make as big an impact.   But, as Browning muses, "What if the mouse and the elephant worked together?  What if the mouse could ride on the elephant's back?  What if a thousand mice collaborated to lift an elephant?   If elephants and mice could collaborate, it would seem that we would want them to." (p. 59)  Browning goes on to make the case for a church that is both big and small at the same time -- a blended version of intimacy and impact - a collaboration of elephants and mice. 

If you are wondering how to leverage the impact of a large church while retaining the intimacy of a small church -- order your copy of Hybrid Church.  This is a must read book if you want to hear from someone who is really getting it done in both big and small ways. 

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