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Act As If

A friend of mine, Chris Schievink, moved several years ago to a second pastorate.  This church has experienced significant growth.  So I asked him, "What contributed to this growth?"   I found his reply inspiring.  This is what he wrote:

"When I arrived 3 years ago, I remember making rediculous claims that the "church would grow." It was ridiculous because Calvary church {Chatham, Ontario, Canada]  had not enfolded one new person in years. But I really felt like it would happen based on the promise of God: "you are going to reap a harvest you did not lift a finger to sow." So I told them if they were faithful in opening the doors and taking in the harvest, that the harvest would come to the church. That changed the perspective. We still have no programs, except for the worship service. But people started trickling in very slowly at first.

"When we saw that people would come to our church, we began to "act as if." 
Act as if you are the most attractive church in town.  Act as if there are going to be 10 visitors on Sunday. Act as if there will be no more room in the parking lot. Act as if you will have to give up your chair to a newcomer this weekend. We found these to be self-fulfilling prophecies. People began parking off-site, anticipating that the parking lot would get packed. It did. We put out more chairs. They filled up. We acted like our church was a "growing church" and it became a growing church. People realized how faith and sight function in relation to one another. Faith comes first, then it becomes sight.

"Last year we put about $350,000 into our church building which is a lot for our little church. But new families came immediately as a result. That was huge.

"The only other thing I have learned is that people navigate in circles. Most people's circles are closed loops - meaning, everyone in there is a church-going believer. However, when someone new comes to church, you are opening a new circle. Are there more people in that circle who need an invite?
 I have seen entire "circles" come to church as the result of just one person converted. This is how our church has grown. No programs, no advertising, nothing. Just word-of-mouth social networking."

Sounds all do-able to me.  Just ask as if, and God will do the rest!   Walk by faith and not by sight. 

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